Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Perpaduan; definisi yang sukar diterjemahkan secara realiti. Bahasa Melayu Bahasa Perpaduan.

Pak Ungku Aziz

Artikel ini diolah bersempena dengan Bulan Kebangsaan 2010 ( Setiap bulan Oktober)

Dibawah adalah huraian dari Pak Ungku Aziz yang telah disesuaikan/diolah bagi bacaan umum & merujuk kepada tajuk diatas.

Perkara utama yang saya ingin tekankan ialah perpaduan negara ini masih belum wujud dengan memuaskan. Maka definisi perpaduan negara ini cukup susah. Saya sendiri rasa kurang jelas.

Kalau semua orang boleh bercakap bahasa Melayu, itu akan membantu usaha mewujudkan perpaduan negara. Tapi setakat ini ia belum menuju ke arah itu. Secara asasnya perpaduan negara ini hanya sekitar kita, misalnya tidak melihat pergaduhan antara kaum dan hidup dalam aman damai. Setakat ini toleransi yang ditunjukkan oleh orang Melayu tinggi berbanding kaum-kaum lain. Namun sama ada ia baik untuk orang Melayu menunjukkan toleransi sebegini ia masih menjadi persoalan. Jika tahap toleransi itu naik terlalu tinggi ia akan meletup. Kita kena ingat perkara ini sebagai orang Melayu dan ini yang berlaku ketika peristiwa 13 Mei.

Orang kata kita tidak boleh cakap tentang kaum-kaum tetapi jika kita lihat senario sebenar kita akan nampak. Saya berpandangan Malaysia merupakan satu contoh baik negara yang wujud toleransi tetapi toleransi ini perlu wujud dalam bentuk yang kuat dan tidak hanya membabitkan satu kaum sahaja.

Kita ambil contoh di sekolah-sekolah matapelajaran diajar dalam bahasa Mandarin seperti yang diterima oleh Menteri Pelajaran. Namun mereka juga perlu bertutur dan bertukar-tukar fikiran dalam bahasa Melayu tanpa ada pilihan lain untuk asas perpaduan. Namun untuk memperoleh pengetahuan dan ilmu banyak yang kita boleh pelajari dengan menggunakan bahasa Melayu.

Universiti Malaya pernah melakukannya pada tahun 1974-1975 para pelajar boleh belajar dalam bahasa Melayu termasuklah pelajar jurusan kejuruteraan dan kedoktoran. Semua ini dilakukan dalam bahasa Melayu dan contoh lain kita boleh ambil Pusat Asasi Sains dan ia terbukti berjaya.

Kita perlu faham bahawa bahasa Melayu dan bahasa Inggeris adalah dua bahasa yang sangat berlainan. Tatabahasa Inggeris banyak diceduk dari bahasa Perancis, Jerman dan bahasa Scandinavia. Dan kemudiannya ia banyak diperbetulkan oleh pujangga agung mereka William Shakespeare kemudiannya barulah ada bahasa Inggeris yang sebenar. Shakespeare merupakan bapa kepada bahasa Inggeris moden dan ia berlaku sekitar kurun ke-17. Tetapi bahasa Melayu sudah ada pada masa itu. Bahasa Melayu sudah digunakan oleh orang Melayu di rantau ini serta di Fiji dan Madagascar. Saya sudah melawat tempat-tempat ini serta melihat buku mengenai nahu mereka dan banyak perkataan Melayu digunakan. Mengikut kajian saya bahasa Melayu sudah wujud lebih dari 1,000 tahun.

Jika kita lihat Angkor Wat di Kemboja, penduduk mereka telah menggunakan bahasa Melayu yang kebanyakannya diambil dari bahasa Sanskrit. Jadi, saya tidak nampak kenapa dengan menggunakan bahasa Melayu kita tidak boleh maju.

Pelaksanaan bahasa Melayu juga tidak menyeluruh kerana di Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil dan Cina, pengajaran Sains dan Matematik digunakan dalam bahasa ibunda.

Tentang dialek dari orang Cina dan India tentang perkara ini. Pelajar Cina yang belajar di sekolah rendah mengikut sistem yang sedia ada sekarang belajar mengikut bahasa ibunda. Tapi saya ingin bertanya apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan “bahasa ibunda”? Bagi orang Cina bahasa mereka ialah Mandarin. Apakah bahasa Mandarin itu bahasa Cina? Sebenarnya tidak. Ia (istilah ‘Mandarin’) berasal dari bahasa Melayu.

Saya telah membuat kajian tentang perkara ini. Asalnya bila orang Portugis mahu ke China mereka mahu berjumpa dengan pegawai tinggi dan bertanya apakah status mereka. Jadi orang Portugis di Melaka menyatakan “menteri”. Tapi orang Portugis ketika itu tidak boleh bercakap bahasa Melayu dengan baik.

Jadi perkataan menteri itu disebut kepada “menterin” dan apabila mereka pergi ke negeri China untuk berjumpa dengan pegawai tinggi akhirnya perkataan “menterin” tadi bertukar kepada “Mandarin”. Saya telah menulis tentang perkara ini di dalam majalah Economist di London jadi tidak ada sebarang masalah tentang perkara ini.

Tetapi carilah dalam kamus Cina atau kamus apa sekalipun tentang maksud perkataan Mandarin. Maksud yang tertulis adalah limau mandarin, tidak ada makna lain. Oleh itu tidak ada bahasa Mandarin yang ada hanya bahasa Cina. Para pelajar Cina ini hanya belajar bahasa Mandarin di sekolah tetapi apabila balik ke rumah mereka akan bercakap dalam dialek lain dengan keluarga mereka seperti dialek Kantonis, Hokkien, Teochew.

Cuba kita tanya orang Cina apa bahasa ibunda mereka? Mungkin ada yang kata Kantonis dan sebagainya. Sekarang ini tidak ramai orang muda Cina yang boleh berbahasa Cina dialek Beijing. Begitu juga orang India ada pelbagai dialek seperti Tamil, Urdu, Punjab dan sebagainya. Jadi di mana bahasa ibundanya?

Yang bercakap bahasa ibunda yang betul ialah orang Melayu kerana mereka bercakap Melayu. Ini kerana ibu bapa, nenek dan ahli keluarga mereka semua bercakap bahasa Melayu.

Keperluan sekolah jenis kebangsaan kalau mereka juga bukan diajar dalam bahasa ibunda?

Jawapannya mudah, ini kerana politik. Tetapi bagi saya untuk mengukuhkan perpaduan, yang perlu ada ialah satu bahasa. Ini kerana hanya dengan cara inilah akan menggalakkan lagi persefahaman dan memudahkan pergaulan antara semua kaum. Orang Melayu mesti menghidupkan bahasa Melayu dan berbangga bertutur dalam bahasa Melayu.

Reveals secrets to success | Pak Ungku Aziz

Ungku Abdul Aziz

NST /Feb 2009

What are Royal Professor Ungku Abdul Aziz's secrets to success? One of them is to read nine books.

This includes Harvey Diamond's Fit for Life, Not Fat for Life, Edward De Bono's Thinking Course, Tony Buzan's Mind Map, Head First and The 36 Strategies of the Chinese: Adapting An Ancient Chinese Wisdom to the Business World by Wee Chow Hou and Lan Luh Luh.

Others are Jim Collins' Level 5 Leadership, Sun Tzu's Art of War, Nicollo Machiavelli's The Prince on the Art of Power and Leader's Window by J.D.W. Beck and N.M Yeager.

The 87-year-old voracious reader said the books provide an insight on how to be good and successful leaders.

Citing an example, he said Edward De Bono's Thinking Course promotes lateral thinking.

"The book teaches you to think differently," he said in his lecture "Quest For Success" as part of the Merdeka Award Lecture Series. He was a recipient of the award last year, in the education and community category.

Ungku Aziz said a good leader would have intelligence, credibility, humility, courage, and discipline.

He also said a good leader would be able to spot opportunities during crisis.

"Every crisis opens up opportunities," he said.

Later, when taking questions from the floor, Ungku Aziz said successful people were those who had resolve because their minds were strong and were resolute in reaching their goals.

"At the same time, humility is important, too.

"I'm happiest when I go to a kampung and people tell me `you macam itu universiti punya' (you look like the person from the university)," he said to laughter from the floor.

1. Fit For Life Not Fat For Life Harvey Diamond 2003
2. Thinking Course Edward de Bono 1982
3. The Mind Map Book Tony Buzan 1993
4. Head FirstTony Buzan 2000
5. The 36 Strategies of the Chinese: Adapting An Ancient Chinese Wisdom to the Business WorldWee Chow Hou & Lan Luh Luh 1988
6. The Art of War SunXi 1988
7. The Prince on the Art of Power Niccolo Machiavelli 1532
8. Leader’s Window J.D.W.Beck & N.M. Yeager 1994
9. Level 5 Leadership Jim Collins - HBR 2001

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pendedahan Rahsia Besar PRU 13.

Akhirnya saya sudah berada di Kuala Lumpur...

Petang tadi saya menerima beberapa perkhabaran-perkhabaran berkaitan isu-isu semasa, lantas seterusnya saya menerima ilham untuk mengetengahkan tajuk diatas sebagai ulasan dari kesimpulan dari perkhabaran-perkhabaran yang saya terima.

PRU 13 akan datang adalah sesuatu yang 'mencabar & tercabar' sehingga memaksa kerajaan atau individu dalam kerajaan mewujudkan satu lagi jalan yang dikenali sebagai model politik baru. Pun begitu ianya masih diperingkat permulaan dan masing-masing kurang faham akan apa model yang akan diketengahkan nanti.

Disini saya berikan beberapa point dari pandangan saya mengenai pendedahan rahsia besar PRU 13:-

1. Pilihanraya umum akan datang ianya tidak boleh dikatakan perlawanan antara parti Barisan Nasional dan Pakatan Rakyat semata-mata. Tetapi ianya adalah perlawanan antara orang Muda dan Orang lama/tua ( Yang berpaksi pada parti masing-masing).

- Orang muda hari ini terlalu mudah untuk mendapatkan apa-apa informasi khasnya dalam isu politik & perniagaan, dengan pendedahan dari media massa, kita dapati ramai rata-rata dari orang lama/tua mengamalkan salah laku samada yang nampak atau sebaliknya.

- Sudah pasti rata-rata orang muda yang bijak berfikir (tidak perlu ijazah atau pendidikan tertinggi; asalkan punya akal maka layak untuk berfikir) akan memberi peluang kepada calon-calon muda bagi mewarnai politik yang baru. Seterusnya pada masa-masa akan datang peluang-peluang perniagaan akan lebih kreatif. Dan secara langsung dasar-dasar kronisme itu akan diibaratkan seperti 'reborn'. Reborn/kelahiran semula dari Born/lahir adalah suatu kesan yang bersifat sementara tetapi hasilnya akan menguntungkan pihak tertentu. Dengan menghasilkan konsep 'reborn' ia pasti akan memberi peluang kepada pihak orang muda selepas ini untuk projek-projek atau keselesaan-keselesaan yang lebih besar.

2. Sudah pasti pihak-pihak atasan dari parti-parti yang sudah mengkaji hal ini perlu bersedia untuk merombak secara besar-besaran dengan meletakkan calon-calon muda sebagai tonggak bagi mewakili parti-parti masing-masing. Terdapat beberapa parti di Malaysia sedang berusaha ke arah itu, andai barisan muda ini ditampilkan pada PRU akan datang, saya fikir ianya sudah pasti memberi impak yang sangat besar dalam sejarah politik tanah air.

- Kenapa calon muda? Kerana ia sudah pasti lebih bersih dari calon tua. Calon tua lebih berpengalaman dan terbukti kemampuannya? Ya, tetapi sampai bila harus mengutamakan calon tua? Apakah tiada langsung kaliber dari pihak orang muda. Hak Kepimpinan adalah hak semua dan ianya bukan hak istimiewa milik peribadi. Bagi menjayakan proses ini; calon tua perlu memainkan peranan baru; sebagai penasihat kepada Calon Muda yang akan bertanding pada PRU. Fakta yang tepat adalah orang muda adalah antara pengundi terbesar dalam PRU.

3. Saya memuji tindakan Tun Dr Mahathir menerusi tindakannya suatu ketika dahulu dimana memberi laluan kepada orang lain bagi menerajui negara. Sebenarnya itulah satu contoh kepimpinan yang terhebat yang perlu dijadikan teras falsafah seseorang pemimpin. Kita walaupun dianggap hebat, tetapi jika sudah terlalu lama kita harus juga mengundurkan diri bagi memberi laluan pada orang muda.

- Tindakan Tun adalah suatu pengajaran supaya sesebuah kerajaan perlu 'reborn' menerusi cara kepimpinan baru. Dengan sekatan-sekatan yang dikenakan pada mahasiswa menerusi Auku sebagai contoh, ia memberikan satu lagi kesan yang mendalam pada mahasiswa yang mampu menilai akan erti demokrasi yang sebenar yang juga sudah mula layak sebagai pengundi.

-Oleh yang demikian mana-mana parti yang mengkhususkan untuk memberi 'ruang' kepada orang muda merupakan selangkah kejayaan untuk kemenangan besar pada PRU akan datang.Ini bukan suatu omongan, kerana orang muda hari ini sangat mudah mendapatkan informasi mengenai bakal-bakal pemimpin yang akan dipilih nanti. 'Ruang' yang dimaksudkan bukanlah dengan kemudahan atau intensif yang diberikan tetapi ia merangkumi semua aspek; sebagai contoh, memberi yuran percuma untuk belajar di peringkat tertinggi di IPTA tempatan.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Menara Warisan (PNB)

Tindakan yang tidak menggunakan akal

Masih lagi di Perak...

Aku masih belum tau apa 'tujuan sebenar' aku ke negeri ini? Gilakah? Bukan ini caranya jika mahu buktikan sesuatu, buktilah dengan perkara-perkara yang lebih idealis seperti hal-hal ekonomi dan bermanfaat. Mereka-mereka tidak berfikir dengan jayanya, mereka-mereka ini berfikir dengan nafsu sial! atau fikiran mereka ini jauh melencong ke longkang.

Tindakan kemanusiaan yang gila akalnya yang tidak boleh berfikir akan tindakan dan kesannya tidak mampu menangani Sang Manusiawi berfikir. Jalan Manusiawi berfikir tidak tertakluk jalan buntu tetapi jalannya amat bebas sehingga digeruni Pencipta.

Manusiawi Berfikir adalah satu aset Pencipta yang jarang dicipta dan tercipta. Bicaranya penuh dengan fikiran yang tidak buta tetapi bermakna.Kala manusiawi berfikir ini bicara penuh dalam melebihi realistik fikiran semasa, melampaui fikiran dari luar biasa.

Manusiawi berfikir datang bukan untuk dipaksa, kerana bisanya bakal menggoncang sepertiga pergantungan bumi dalam laluannya. Janganlah berlaku seperti sialan-sialan yang jahil tanpa berfikir.

Jangan undang aku, andai tiada apa-apa manfaat pada aku. Jangan bicara soal silaturrahim andai ilmu silaturrahim itu pun masih belum benar-benar jaya dalam fahamannya. Manusia ini cukup bodoh dalam tindakan sehingga membuatkan pihak lain teraniaya. Nah Tuhan tugas Kamu sebagai Pelaksana.

Jangan perbodohkan aku didalam persekitaran ini... Minda aku tidak boleh berkembang dalam keadaan ini. Aku perlu bebas dalam kehidupan. Jangan jahil akan kehidupan andai kehidupan itu belum memastikan jalan yang selamat kerana bukanlah kita Tuhan...

Jangan karikaturkan aku dalam boneka persekitaran ini. Jahil Persekitaran Rosaklah Perhubungan.... Fikirlah Minda orang! Bengap !!!


Sekarang baru sampai di Perak. Sedang dalam perjalanan tadi tiba tiba tayar kereta pancit terkena besi seperti paku. Wahh satu cabaran besar untuk aku menukar tayar. Ibarat seperti sedang bermandi tatkala menukar tayar belakang belah kanan.Habis tenaga mengerah kudrat untuk memulas stand sehinggalah membuka nat tayar. Pun begitu diucapkan terima kasih kepada seorang hamba Allah(yang ketika itu sedang memandu juga) telah memaklumkan akan tayar yang pancit.

Mujurlah tidak ada apa-apa masalah yang berat berlaku semasa tayar pancit. Seperti biasa juga tanganku dicuci dengan warna hitam sebagai lambang kudrat ku dikerah sungguh-sungguh. Memang mencabar serta memenatkan apatah lagi ketika itu waktu sekitar 1.00 a.m. Sampai sahaja ke destinasi barulah terlintas difikiranku tentang apa yang telah aku perkatakan sebelum memulakan perjalanan dari Kuala Lumpur petang tadi.

Apa yang aku perkatakan adalah kiasan tentang apa yang berlaku tadi! Sungguh mengejutkan bukan? Apa yang aku katakan seperti sudah diberi petunjuk. Apa yang aku perkatakan? Berikut adalah apa yang diperkatakan:

*Semasa bersembang dengan seorang rakan.

"Petang nanti dalam perjalanan akan berlaku sesuatu, cuba lihat dikiri cermin dan di kanan tayar" sambil aku katakan kepada rakan(antara aku dan dia)

Dan kebetulan apa yang aku katakan benar-benar berlaku. Wahhh ini seperti boleh melihat masa depan!

Setelah itu aku berfikir lagi. Terlintas difikiran tentang guruku. Apa yang menarik tentang guru ku ialah sebelum akaun Facebook ku lumpuh; beliau telah menasihatkan aku supaya memperbetulkan diriku. Ya, memperbetulkan diriku. Setelah itu pada 30 September 2010 jam sekitar 10.00 p.m telah ditakdirkan akaun FB ku lumpuh dan tidak dapat dibuka sehingga sekarang walau telah dihantar beberapa laporan kepada pihak Facebook bagi mendapatkan/mengaktifkan akaun itu semula.

Ada ura-ura atau perkhabaran dari rakan-rakan terdekat bahawa saya kemungkinan dicemburui/di dengki oleh individu atau pihak tertentu diatas pencapaian saya dan juga kelantangan saya dalam beberapa isu negara & Melayu. Jadi mereka kurang senang dengan pendekatan yang saya lakukan. Pun begitu saya tidak gentar seandainya ia benar-benar berlaku. Terdetik di fikiran, kisah Adiputra yang suatu ketika dahulu memberikan idea kepada Sultan supaya diletakkan batang pisang sebagai benteng dari tusukan ikan todak.Akhirnya Si Adiputra dihukum bunuh dek kerana perasaan dengki oleh pembesar-pembesar.

Salam Berani Berubah!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Penangguhan GST gambaran pilihan raya tahun depan

*Sumber media tempatan

KUALA LUMPUR 14 Okt. - Keputusan penangguhan pelaksanaan cukai barangan dan perkhidmatan (GST) seolah-olah mengesahkan kemungkinan kerajaan akan mengadakan Pilihan Raya Umum pada 2011.

OSK Research dalam nota penyelidikan meramalkan Pilihan Raya Umum akan diadakan pada separuh kedua 2011 selepas pilihan raya Negeri Sarawak pada awal tahun depan.

Selain isu GST, firma penyelidikan itu turut meramalkan pengurangan subsidi dan kenaikan tarif akan ditangguhkan sehingga pilihan raya berakhir.

''Keputusan tersebut mengambil kira sensitiviti politik berhubung pelaksanaan GST,'' katanya.

OSK Research berkata, ramalan berhubung pilihan raya itu dibuat selepas mengambil kira berita-berita positif yang berkaitan dengan pembangunan infrastruktur, sentimen pasaran yang dijangka meningkat pada separuh pertama 2011.

Sementara itu AmResearch tidak menolak kemungkinan kerajaan akan memperkenalkan GST pada tahun depan, setelah mendapat bantahan kuat daripada orang ramai.

''Tahun depan mungkin waktu terbaik kerana persekitaran ekonomi dijangka lebih stabil dan kondusif,'' katanya.

Menurut AmResearch, GST menerima banyak bantahan disebabkan kebanyakan orang masih belum mengetahui maklumat GST secukupnya.

Semalam, Kementerian Kewangan dalam kenyataan akhbarnya berkata, GST ditangguhkan bagi membolehkan kerajaan berinteraksi dengan semua lapisan rakyat mengenai pelaksanaannya.

Kerajaan akan mengambil kira kepentingan dan kebajikan rakyat bagi memastikan penguatkuasaan GST diterima dengan baik, kata kementerian itu.

Bagaimanapun, ia berkata, kerajaan menyedari akan kepentingan GST dalam memastikan kedudukan fiskal yang kukuh dan mapan bagi menyokong pertumbuhan ekonomi jangka panjang.

Kerajaan kali pertama mengumumkan cadangan pelaksanaan cukai GST sebanyak empat peratus pada bacaan kali pertama di Parlimen pada 16 Disember 2009.

Namun, Rang Undang-Undang GST yang dijadualkan dibentangkan buat kali kedua di Parlimen pada Mac 2010 untuk pelaksanaan cukai tersebut menjelang suku ketiga 2011 ditangguhkan.

Pelaksanaan GST dicadangkan bertujuan untuk mengurangkan defisit bajet daripada tujuh peratus daripada Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar pada 2009 kepada 5.4 peratus pada tahun depan.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sorena 2: Iran telah berjaya mencipta Robot Humanoid; Kita bila lagi?

Sekumpulan saintis Iran memperuntukkan masa 10,000 jam / 600,000 minit / 417 hari bagi mencipta & membina robot ini yang muncul ketika perasmian 'Industry & Mine Day' di Iran pada 3 Julai 2010.

IP Rights Monetisation Crucial For Malaysia's High-income Economy Aim

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 14 (Bernama) -- It is crucial to look at monetising intellectual property (IP) rights as a way to transform Malaysia into a high-income economy, Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister, Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir.

"IP is an important element in most bilateral economic and bilateral agreements.

"The Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement, which Malaysia is now a member, also includes IP as one of the priority elements in the negotiations," he said here Thursday.

Mukhriz said this in his keynote address at the MSC Malaysia IP Rights Monetisation Forum 2010, organised by the Multimedia Development Corp.

He said stakeholders usually claimed their IP rights as a defensive mechanism to prevent infringement of such rights, or loosely speaking, in defending against attacks from third parties.

"However, the companies now enforce their IP rights as a way to improve their competitive edge, generate revenue and improve their access to financing," he said.

Mukhriz said the IP landscape was changing in that it was no longer regarded merely as a protective legal shield for corporations but it was increasingly used as a strategic and business tool for value generation.

"IP rights are like any tangible assets that can be licensed, assigned, franchised, merchandised and possibly put up as collateral for a specific duration or on permanent basis," he said.

He said in the US, the intangible assets, which encompassed IP rights, had surpassed tangible assets to become the principal contributor to the market value of many major companies listed on the stock markets.

"It is interesting to note that Microsoft's physical assets comprise only one per cent of its total market value.

"The US' IP is estimated to be worth over US$5 trillion, more than the nominal gross domestic product of any other country in the world," he said.

Mukhriz said there was a clear correlation between IP and capital market success, where even after the economy rebounded, firms that slashed their investments in IP may severely lag behind those that maintained their IP strategies.


1Malaysia: Hanya praktikal di restoran mamak

1Malaysia: Hanya praktikal di restoran mamak

1Malaysia masih belum jelas dihuraikan atau dijelaskan kepada umum. Rata-rata rakyat membuat tafsiran berbeza mengenainya. Ada yang berpandangan ianya adalah satu konsep seolah-olah menyamakan taraf semua rakyat dengan keistimewaan yang sama. Dengan kata lain 1Malaysia dibangunkan bagi menutup kelemahan pentadbiran sebelumnya yang jelas telah menghuru-harakan keharmonian rakyat majmuk dinegara ini.

1Malaysia diwujudkan dikala keadaan masyarakat yang berbilang bangsa ini masing-masing cuba untuk menjadikan gagasan ini sebagai landasan kepada mereka untuk 'menambah permintaan' bagi kepentingan kaum masing-masing. Permintaan-permintaan yang diutarakan secara langsung menyentuh sensiviti kaum Melayu khasnya dalam tentang keistimewaan orang Melayu.

1Malaysia secara asasnya adalah kaedah berbelanja bagi kerajaan untuk rakyat. Tetapi yang menghairankan atau mungkin saya terlepas pandang ialah saya belum nampak apa-apa peruntukkan khas atau penambahbaikan kepada bangsa Melayu sebagai mentaati/mendokong perlembagaan dalam artikel 153. Yang menjadi tanda tanya dalam soal isu pendidikan sebagai contoh; orang Melayu masih belum mempunyai sekolah mereka sendiri berbanding kaum tertentu yang mempunyai sekolah jenis mereka sendiri.

Soal isu sekolah melayu mungkin dianggap remeh, tetapi seandainya konsep sekolah jenis/kaum terus diamalkan di Malaysia saya beranggapan penyatuan bangsa itu tidak dapat dilakukan melalui generasi muda(walhal penyatuan bangsa sepatutnya dipupuk sejak dari awal). Orang Melayu lebih bergantung kepada pendidikan permulaan melalui sekolah kebangsaan(ianya tidak boleh dianggap sebagai sekolah melayu) tetapi masih tiada sekolah melayu walaupun kita sudah merdeka. Andai dikatakan tentang Sekolah Agama pula sebagai merujuk kepada sekolah Melayu; jawapannya mudah sekolah agama adalah agama, dan bukan bangsa.Mereka yang beragama Islam layak untuk masuk kesekolah agama tidak mengira bangsa.

Saya percaya bahawa setiap kumpulan bangsa, tidak boleh tidak harus mempunyai wilayah (merujuk permintaan/kehendak dalam menghuni), tetapi bagi agama tidak, kerana ia memasuki setiap saluran bangsa. Adakah logik kumpulan bangsa tanpa wilayah? Tidak ada! Apatah lagi andai bangsa itu telah termeterai akan hak istimewanya.

Persoalannya sekarang apakah Orang-orang Melayu hari ini akan hanya mewujudkan Sekolah Melayu hanya apabila kerajaan bertukar suatu hari nanti?

Disini saya boleh katakan saya menyokong sekolah melayu ditubuhkan sekiranya sekolah jenis masih diamalkan di Malaysia.Tetapi saya lebih bersetuju sekiranya Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua Tanpa Mengira Kaum dilaksanakan secara menyeluruh. Bukankah kita ada kuasa untuk melakukan perubahan ini? Apakah kita hanya menunggu pabila tiada kuasa, maka baru bertindak seperti orang berkuasa?

Alternatif lain

Cabaran besar 1Malaysia adalah dalam isu pendidikan (yang dianggap permulaan pemupuk penyatuan perpaduan bangsa) adalah bagaimana untuk mewujudkan hanya Sekolah Kebangsaan kepada rakyat Malaysia. Oleh yang yang demikian sewajarnya Sekolah Jenis haruslah dibubarkan sebagai mentaati semangat 1Malaysia dan keharmonian negara. Saya percaya melalui itu maka kita dapat membangunkan satu konsep Bangsa satu jiwa pada masa akan datang.

Objektif ini nanti akan membina satu unit bangsa Malaysia. Dan bangsa yang hidup di dalam satu unit ini akan menjadi bangsa yang kuat & hebat dan bukan dibuat-buat, inilah yang boleh dihidupkan menerusi keutuhan & Kefahaman 1Malaysia.

Pada hari ini konsep kefahaman/keutuhan bangsa itu hanya jelas ditonjolkan secara semulajadi apabila anda pergi makan atau minum dimana-mana restoran mamak. Anda akan lihat disitulah berbagai kaum boleh berkumpul...

Saya berpandangan, 1Malaysia ini sebenarnya dipelopori oleh Restoran-restoran Mamak...Dan ia kekal praktikal disitu.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Essential Business Guide

Menterjemah 'Mein Kampf'/ 'Perjuangan Ku' ke Bahasa Melayu

Entah mengapa hati saya terpanggil untuk menterjemah buku Mein Kampf kepada Bahasa Melayu. Saya akui ia akan mengambil masa berbulan-bulan bagi menyiapkannya. Saya lakukan atas tujuan memahirkan bacaan saya dengan terjemahan yang lebih tepat dengan menggunakan susunan kata yang sesuai & seterusnya dijadikan nota simpanan istimewa. Secara langsung dengan penterjemahan ini saya dapat merasai kekuatan & kesungguhan perjuangan beliau dalam menyatukan bangsa dan menggegarkan dunia dengan drastik. Mein Kampf dalam bahasa Melayu bermaksud Perjuangan Ku. Gambar diatas adalah sebagai muka depan setelah hasil terjemahan siap.

Terjemahan saya akan dibantu dengan rujukan:

1. Kamus Oxford Fajar
2. Kamus Dewan Edisi Empat
3. Media Maya

Terjemahan merangkumi bab-bab dibawah:

*A Reckoning













*The National Socialist Movement

















* Terjemahan ini akan dilakukan hanya pabila saya ada kelapangan masa sahaja.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hierarki : Kuasa Yang Sebenar adalah pada 'Hamba Allah'

Anak-anak kita | M. Nasir

Anak-anak Kita

Anak-anak kitakah yang berlari telanjang
Di bawah mentari sumbing
Sambil bernyanyi lagu Ketakutan hari-hari ini
Anak-anak kitakah yang memikul beban
Kesilapan kita Hingga dia tak kenal
Budaya canggung bangsa sendiri

Selamatkan anak kita
Dari padang jerangkap samar Selamatkan anak kita
Orde baru politikus usang
Anak-anak kitakah yang bermain
Di hutan belukar
Dengan senapang kayu ubi
Cambah tak kenal bahaya

Anak-anak kitakah yang tak tahu nak pulang
Bila petang kerana terlalu sibuk main lastik
Dan berpistolan Pistol-pistolan
Jaga-jaga anak kita Jangan sampai jadi hamba
Jaga-jaga anak kita Kita ini orang merdeka

Panggillah mereka pulang
Ayah nak ajar Tentang kurang ajar
Jadi mereka takkan sendiri lagi
Panggillah mereka pulang Ayah nak ajar
Tentang kurang ajar
Jadi mereka takkan dimomok lagi

Selamatkah kita di tangan tukang karut itu
Selamatkah kita di tangan dalang wayang itu
Selamatkah kita di tangan ahli koporat itu
Selamatkah kita di tangan doktor jiwa itu
Selamatkah kita di tangan pakar kitab itu
Selamatkah kita di tangan tuhan-tuhan itu

Mein Kampf : In The House Of My Parents

Chapter 1
Mein Kampf : In The House Of My Parents

TODAY it seems to me providential that Fate should have chosen Braunau on the Inn as my birthplace. For this little town lies on the boundary between two German states which we of the younger generation at least have made it our life work to reunite by every means at our disposal.

German-Austria must return to the great German mother country, and not because of any economic considerations. No, and again no: even if such a union were unimportant from an economic point of view; yes, even if it were harmful, it must nevertheless take place. One blood demands one Reich. Never will the German nation possess the moral right to engage in colonial politics until, at least, it embraces its own sons within a single state. Only when the Reich borders include the very last German, but can no longer guarantee his daily bread, will the moral right to acquire foreign soil arise from the distress of our own people.

Their sword will become our plow, and from the tears of war the daily bread of future generations will grow. And so this little city on the border seems to me the symbol of a great mission. And in another respect as well, it looms as an admonition to the present day. More than a hundred years ago, this insignificant place had the distinction of being immortalized in the annals at least of German history, for it was the scene of a tragic catastrophe which gripped the entire German nation. At the time of our fatherland's deepest humiliation, Johannes Palm of Nuremberg, burgher, bookseller, uncompromising nationalist and French hater, died there for the Germany which he loved so passionately even in her misfortune.

He had stubbornly refused to denounce his accomplices who were in fact his superiors. In thus he resembled Leo Schlageter. And like him, he was denounced to the French by a representative of his government An Augsburg police chief won this unenviable fame, thus furnishing an example for our modern German officials in Herr Severing's Reich.

In this little town on the Inn, gilded by the rays of German martyrdom, Bavarian by blood, technically Austrian, lived my parents in the late eighties of the past century; my father a dutiful civil servants my mother giving all her being to the household, and devoted above all to us children in eternal, loving care Little remains in my memory of this period, for after a few years my father had to leave the little border city he had learned to love, moving down the Inn to take a new position in Passau, that is, in Germany proper.

In those days constant moving was the lot of an Austrian customs official. A short time later, my father was sent to Linz, and there he was finally pensioned. Yet, indeed, this was not to mean "res"' for the old gentleman. In his younger days, as the son of a poor cottager, he couldn't bear to stay at home. Before he was even thirteen, the little boy laced his tiny knapsack and ran away from his home in the Waldviertel. Despite the at tempts of 'experienced' villagers to dissuade him, he made his way to Vienna, there to learn a trade. This was in the fifties of the past century. A desperate decision, to take to the road with only three gulden for travel money, and plunge into the unknown.

By the time the thirteen-year-old grew to be seventeen, he had passed his apprentice's examination, but he was not yet content. On the contrary. The long period of hardship, endless misery, and suffering he had gone through strengthened his determination to give up his trade and become ' something better. Formerly the poor boy had regarded the priest as the embodiment of all humanly attainable heights; now in the big city, which had so greatly widened his perspective, it was the rank of civil servant. With all the tenacity of a young man whom suffering and care had made 'old' while still half a child, the seventeen-year-old clung to his new decision-he did enter the civil service. And after nearly twenty-three years, I believe, he reached his goal. Thus he seemed to have fulfilled a vow which he had made as a poor boy: that he would not return to his beloved native village until he had made something of himself.His goal was achieved; but no one in the village could remember the little boy of former days, and to him the village had grown strange.
When finally, at the age of fifty-six, he went into retirement, he could not bear to spend a single day of his leisure in idleness.

Near the Upper Austrian market village of Lambach he bought a farm, which he worked himself, and thus, in the circuit of a long and industrious life, returned to the origins of his forefathers.It was at this time that the first ideals took shape in my breast. All my playing about in the open, the long walk to school, and particularly my association with extremely 'husky' boys, which sometimes caused my mother bitter anguish, made me the very opposite of a stay-at-home. And though at that time I scarcely had any serious ideas as to the profession I should one day pursue, my sympathies were in any case not in the direction of my father's career.

I believe that even then my oratorical talent was being developed in the form of more or less violent arguments with my schoolmates. I had become a little ringleader; at school I learned easily and at that time very well, but was otherwise rather hard to handle. Since in my free time I received singing lessons in the cloister at Lambach, I had excellent opportunity to intoxicate myself with the solemn splendor of the brilliant church festivals. As was only natural the abbot seemed to me, as the village priest had once seemed to my father, the highest and most desirable ideal. For a time, at least, this was the case.

But since my father, for understandable reasons, proved unable to appreciate the oratorical talents of his pugnacious boy, or to draw from them any favorable conclusions regarding the future of his offspring, he could, it goes without saying, achieve no understanding for such youthful ideas. With concern he observed this conflict of nature.

As it happened, my temporary aspiration for this profession was in any case soon to vanish, making place for hopes more stated to my temperament. Rummaging through my father's library, I had come across various books of a military nature among them a popular edition of the Franco-German War of 1870-7I It consisted of two issues of an illustrated periodical from those years, which now became my favorite reading matter It was not long before the great heroic struggle had become my greatest inner experience. From then on I became more and more enthusiastic about everything that was in any way connected with war or, for that matter, with soldiering.

But in another respect as well, this was to assume importance for me. For the first time, though as yet in a confused form, the question was forced upon my consciousness: Was there a difference -and if so what difference-between the Germans who fought these battles and other Germans? Why hadn't Austria taken part in this war; why hadn't my father and all the others fought?
Are we not the same as all other Germans?

Do we not all belong together? This problem began to gnaw at my little brain for the first time. I asked cautious questions and with secret envy received the answer that not every German was fortunate enough to belong to Bismarck's Reich..
This was more than I could understand.

It was decided that I should go to high school.
From my whole nature, and to an even greater degree from my temperament, my father believed he could draw the inference that the humanistic Gymnasium would represent a conflict with my talents. A Realschol seemed to him more suitable. In this opinion he was especially strengthened by my obvious aptitude for drawing; a subject which in his opinion was neglected in the Austrian Gymnasiums. Another factor may have been his own laborious career which made humanistic study seem impractical in his eyes, and therefore less desirable. It was hus basic opinion and intention that, like himself, his son would and must become a civil servant.

It was only natural that the hardships of his youth should enhance his subsequent achievement in his eyes, particularly since it resulted exclusively from his own energy and iron diligence. It was the pride of the self-made man which made him want his son to rise to the same position in life, orJ of course, even higher if possible, especially since, by his own industrious life, he thought he would be able to facilitate his child's development so greatly.

It was simply inconceivable to him that I might reject what had become the content of his whole life. Consequently, my father s decision was simple, definite, and clear; in his own eyes I mean, of course. Finally, a whole lifetime spent in the bitter struggle for existence had given him a domineering nature, and it would have seemed intolerable to him to leave the final decision in such matters to an inexperienced boy, having as yet no Sense of responsibility. Moreover, this would have seemed a sinful and reprehensible weakness in the exercise of his proper parental authority and responsibility for the future life of his child, and as such, absolutely incompatible with his concept of duty.
And yet things were to turn out differently.

Then barely eleven years old, I was forced into opposition for the first time in my life. Hard and determined as my father might be in putting through plans and purposes once conceived his son was just as persistent and recalcitrant in rejecting an idea which appealed to him not at all, or in any case very little.
I did not want to become a civil servant.

Neither persuasion nor 'serious' arguments made any impression on my resistance. I did not want to be a civil servant no, and again no. All attempts on my father's part to inspire me with love or pleasure in this profession by stories from his own life accomplished the exact opposite. I yawned and grew sick to my stomach at the thought of sitting in an office, deprived of my liberty; ceasing to be master of my own time and being compelled to force the content of a whole life into blanks that had to be filled out.

And what thoughts could this prospect arouse in a boy who in reality was really anything but 'good' in the usual sense of the word?
School work was ridiculously easy, leaving me so much free time that the sun saw more of me than my room. When today my political opponents direct their loving attention to the examination of my life, following it back to those childhood days and discover at last to their relief what intolerable pranks this "Hitler" played even in his youth, I thank Heaven that a portion of the memories of those happy days still remains with me. Woods and meadows were then the battlefields on which the 'conflicts' which exist everywhere in life were decided.

In this respect my attendance at the Realschule, which now commenced, made little difference.
But now, to be sure, there was a new conflict to be fought out.
As long as my fathers intention of making me a civil servant encountered only my theoretical distaste for the profession, the conflict was bearable. Thus far, I had to some extent been able to keep my private opinions to myself; I did not always have to contradict him immediately. My own firm determination never to become a civil servant sufficed to give me complete inner peace. And this decision in me was immutable. The problem became more difficult when I developed a plan of my own in opposition to my father's. And this occurred at the early age of twelve.

How it happened, I myself do not know, but one day it became clear to me that I would become a painter, an artist. There was no doubt as to my talent for drawing; it had been one of my father's reasons for sending me to the Realschule, but never in all the world would it have occurred to him to give me professional training in this direction. On the contrary. When for the first time, after once again rejecting my father's favorite notion, I was asked what I myself wanted to be, and I rather abruptly blurted out the decision I had meanwhile made, my father for the moment was struck speechless.
' Painter? Artist? '

He doubted my sanity, or perhaps he thought he had heard wrong or misunderstood me. But when he was clear on the subject, and particularly after he felt-the seriousness of my intention, he opposed it with all the determination of his nature. His decision was extremely simple, for any consideration of w at abilities I might really have was simply out of the question.
'Artist, no, never as long as I live!' But since his son, among various other qualities, had apparently inherited his father' s stubbornness, the same answer came back at him. Except, of course, that it was in the opposite sense.

And thus the situation remained on both sides. My father did not depart from his 'Never!' And I intensified my 'Oh, yes!'
The consequences, indeed, were none too pleasant. The old man grew embittered, and, much as I loved him, so did I. Ally father forbade me to nourish the slightest hope of ever being allowed to study art. I went one step further and declared that if that was the case I would stop studying altogether. As a result of such 'pronouncements,' of course, I drew the short end; the old man began the relentless enforcement of his authority. In the future, therefore, I was silent, but transformed my threat into reality. I thought that once my father saw how little progress I was making at the Realschule, he would let me devote myself to my dream, whether he liked it or not.

I do not know whether this calculation was correct. For the moment only one thing was certain: my obvious lack of success at school. What gave me pleasure I learned, especially everything which, in my opinion, I should later need as a painter. What seemed to me unimportant in this respect or was otherwise unattractive to me, I sabotaged completely. My report cards at this time, depending on the subject and my estimation of it, showed nothing but extremes. Side by side with 'laudable' and 'excellent,' stood 'adequate' or even 'inadequate.' By far my best accomplishments were in geography and even more so in history. These were my favorite subjects, in which I led the; class.

If now, after so many years, I examine the results of this period, I regard two outstanding facts as particularly significant:
First: I became a nationalist
Second: I learned to understand and grasp the meaning of history.
Old Austria was a 'state of nationalities.'

By and large, a subject of the German Reich, at that time at least, was absolutely unable to grasp the significance of this fact for the life of the individual in such a state. After the great victorious campaign of the heroic armies in the Franco-German War, people had gradually lost interest in the Germans living abroad; some could not, while others were unable to appreciate their importances Especially with regard to the GermanAustrians, the degenerate dynasty was only too frequently confused with the people, which at the core was robust and healthy.

What they failed to appreciate was that, unless the German in Austria had really been of the best blood, he would never have had the power to set his stamp on a nation of fifty-two million souls to such a degree that, even in Germany, the erroneous opinion could arise that Austria was a German state. This was an absurdity fraught with the direst consequences, and yet a glowing testimonial to the ten million Germans in the Ostmark. Only a handful of Germans in the Reich had the slightest conception of the eternal and merciless struggle for the German language, German schools, and a German way of life. Only today, when the same deplorable misery is forced on many millions of Germans from the Reich, who under foreign rule dream of their common fatherland and strive, amid their longing, at least to preserve their holy right to their mother tongue, do wider circles understand what it means to be forced to fight for one's nationality.

Today perhaps some can appreciate the greatness of the Germans in the Reich's old Ostmark, who, with no one but themselves to depend on, for centuries protected the Reich against incursions from the East, and finally carried on an exhausting guerrilla warfare to maintain the German language frontier, at a time when the Reich was highly interested in colonies, but not in its own flesh and blood at its very doorstep.
As everywhere and always, in every struggle, there were, in this fight for the language in old Austria, three strata:
The fighters, the lukewarm and the traitors.
This sifting process began at school. For the remarkable fact about the language struggle is that its waves strike hardest perhaps in the school, since it is the seed-bed of the coming generation. It is a struggle for the soul of the child, and to the child its first appeal is addressed:

'German boy, do not forget you are a German,' and, 'Little girl, remember that you are to become a German mother.'

Anyone who knows the soul of youth will be able to understand that it is they who lend ear most joyfully to such a battle-cry. They carry on this struggle in hundreds of forms, in their own way and with their own weapons. They refuse to sing unGerman songs. The more anyone tries to alienate them from German heroic grandeur, the wilder becomes their enthusiasm: they go hungry to save pennies for the grown-ups' battle fund their ears are amazingly sensitive to un-German teachers, and at the same time they are incredibly resistant; they wear the forbidden insignia of their own nationality and are happy to be punished or even beaten for it. Thus, on a small scale they are a faithful reflection of the adults, except that often their convictions are better and more honest.

I, too, while still comparatively young, had an opportunity to take part in the struggle of nationalities in old Austria. Collections were taken for the Sudmark I and the school association; we emphasized our convictions by wearing corn-flowers and red lack, and gold colors; 'Heil ' was our greeting, and instead of the imperial anthem we sang 'Deutschland uber Alles,' despite warnings and punishments. In this way the child received political training in a period when as a rule the subject of a so-called national state knew little more of his nationality than its language. It goes without saying that even then I was not among the lukewarm. In a short time I had become a fanatical 'German Nationalist,' though the term was not identical with our present party concept.

This development in me made rapid progress; by the time I was fifteen I understood the difference between dynastic ' patriotism' and folkish "nationalism'; and even then I was interested only in the latter.
For anyone who has never taken the trouble to study the inner conditions of the Habsburg monarchy, such a process may not be entirely understandable. In this country the instruction in world history had to provide the germ for this development, since to all intents and purposes there is no such thing as a specifically Austrian history. The destiny of this state is so much bound up with the life and development of all the Germans that a separation of history into German and Austrian does not seem conceivable. Indeed, when at length Germany began to divide into two spheres of power, this division itself became German history.

The insignia of former imperial glory, preserved in Vienna, still seem to cast a magic spell; they stand as a pledge that these twofold destinies are eternally one.
The elemental cry of the German-Austrian people for union with the German mother country, that arose in the days when the Habsburg state was collapsing, was the result of a longing that slumbered in the heart of the entire people-a longing to return to the never-forgotten ancestral home. But this would be in explicable if the historical education of the individual GermanAustrian had not given rise to so general a longing. In it lies a well which never grows dry; which, especially in times of forgetfulness, transcends all momentary prosperity and by constant reminders of the past whispers softly of a new future

Instruction in world history in the so-called high schools is even today in a very sorry condition. Few teachers understand that the aim of studying history can never be to learn historical dates and events by heart and recite them by rote; that what matters is not whether the child knows exactly when this or that battle was fought, when a general was born, or even when a monarch (usually a very insignificant one) came into the crown of his forefathers. No, by the living God, this is very unimportant.
To 'learn' history means to seek and find the forces which are the causes leading to those effects which we subsequently perceive as historical events.

The art of reading as of learning is this: to retain the essential to forget the non-essential.
Perhaps it affected my whole later life that good fortune sent me a history teacher who was one of the few to observe this principle in teaching and examining. Dr. Leopold Potsch, my professor at the Realschule in Linz, embodied this requirement to an ideal degree. This old gentleman's manner was as kind as it was determined, his dazzling eloquence not only held us spellbound but actually carried us away. Even today I think back with gentle emotion on this gray-haired man who, by the fire of his narratives, sometimes made us forget the present; who, as if by enchantment, carried us into past times and, out of the millennial veils of mist, molded dry historical memories into living reality. On such occasions we sat there, often aflame with enthusiasm, and sometimes even moved to tears.

What made our good fortune all the greater was that this teacher knew how to illuminate the past by examples from the present, and how from the past to draw inferences for the present. As a result he had more understanding than anyone else for all the daily problems which then held us breathless. He used our budding nationalistic fanaticism as a means of educating use frequently appealing to our sense of national honor. By this alone he was able to discipline us little ruffians more easily than would have been possible by any other means.
This teacher made history my favorite subject.
And indeed, though he had no such intention, it was then that I became a little revolutionary.

For who could have studied German history under such a teacher without becoming an enemy of the state which, through its ruling house, exerted so disastrous an influence on the destinies of the nation?
And who could retain his loyalty to a dynasty which in past and present betrayed the needs of the German people again and again for shameless private advantage?
Did we not know, even as little boys, that this Austrian state had and could have no love for us Germans?

Our historical knowledge of the works of the House of Habsburg was reinforced by our daily experience. In the north and south the poison of foreign nations gnawed at the body of our nationality, and even Vienna was visibly becoming more and more of an un-German city. The Royal House Czechized wherever possible, and it was the hand of the goddess of eternal justice and inexorable retribution which caused Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the most mortal enemy of Austrian-Germanism, to fall by the bullets which he himself had helped to mold. For had he not been the patron of Austria's Slavization from above !

Immense were the burdens which the German people were expected to bear, inconceivable their sacrifices in taxes and blood, and yet anyone who was not totally blind was bound to recognize that all this would be in vain. What pained us most was the fact that this entire system was morally whitewashed by the alliance with Germany, with the result that the slow extermination of Germanism in the old monarchy was in a certain sense sanctioned by Germany itself. The Habsburg hypocrisy, which enabled the Austrian rulers to create the outward appearance that Austria was a German state, raised the hatred toward this house to flaming indignation and at the same time -contempt.

Only in the Reich itself, the men who even then were called to power saw nothing of all this. As though stricken with blindness, they lived by the side of a corpse, and in the symptoms of rotten-
ness saw only the signs of 'new' life.
The unholy alliance of the young Reich and the Austrian sham state contained the germ of the subsequent World War and of the collapse as well.
In the course of this book I shall have occasion to take up this problem at length. Here it suffices to state that even in my earliest youth I came to the basic insight which never left me, but Only became more profound:
That Germanism could be safeguarded only by the destruction of Austria, and, furthermore, that national sentiment is in no sense Identical with dynastic patriotism; that above all the House of Habsburg was destined to be the misfortune of the German nation.
Even then I had drawn the consequences from this realization ardent love for my German-Austrian homeland state.

The habit of historical thinking which I thus learned in school has never left me in the intervening years. To an ever-increasing extent world history became for me an inexhaustible source of understanding for the historical events of the present, in other words, for politics. I do not want to 'learn' it, I want it to in instruct me.
Thus, at an early age, I had become a political ' revolutionary,' and I became an artistic revolutionary at an equally early age.
The provincial capital of Upper Austria had at that time a theater which was, relatively speaking, not bad. Pretty much of everything was produced. At the age of twelve I saw Wilhelm Tell for the first time, and a few months later my first opera, Lohengrin. I was captivated at once. My youthful enthusiasm for the master of Bayreuth knew no bounds. Again and again I was drawn to his works, and it still seems to me especially fortunate that the modest provincial performance left me open to an intensified experience later on.

All this, particularly after I had outgrown my adolescence (which in my case was an especially painful process), reinforced my profound distaste for the profession which my father had chosen for me. My conviction grew stronger and stronger that I would never be happy as a civil servant. The fact that by this time my gift for drawing had been recognized at the Realschule made my determination all the firmer.
Neither pleas nor threats could change it one bit.
I wanted to become a painter and no power in the world could make me a civil servant.
Yet, strange as it may seem, with the passing years I became more and more interested in architecture.
At that time I regarded this as a natural complement to my gift as a painter, and only rejoiced inwardly at the extension of my artistic scope.
I did not suspect that things would turn out differently.

The question of my profession was to be decided more quickly than I had previously expected.
In my thirteenth year I suddenly lost my father. A stroke of apoplexy felled the old gentleman who was otherwise so hale, thus painlessly ending his earthly pilgrimage, plunging us all into the depths of grief His most ardent desire had been to help his son forge his career, thus preserving him from his own bitter experience. In this, to all appearances, he had not succeeded. But, though unwittingly, he had sown the seed for a future which at that time neither he nor I would have comprehended.
For the moment there was no outward change.
My mother, to be sure, felt obliged to continue my education in accordance with my father's wish; in other words, to have me study for the civil servant's career. I, for my part, was more than ever determined absolutely not to undertake this career. In proportion as my schooling departed from my ideal in subject matter and curriculum, I became more indifferent at heart. Then suddenly an illness came to my help and in a few weeks decided my future and the eternal domestic quarrel. As a result of my serious lung ailment, a physician advised my mother in most urgent terms never to send me into an office. My attendance at the Realschule had furthermore to be interrupted for at least a year. The goal for which I had so long silently yearned, for which I had always fought, had through this event suddenly become reality almost of its own accord.

Concerned over my illness, my mother finally consented to take me out of the Realschule and let- me attend the Academy.
These were the happiest days of my life and seemed to me almost a dream; and a mere dream it was to remain. Two years later, the death of my mother put a sudden end to all my highflown plans.
It was the conclusion of a long and painful illness which from the beginning left little hope of recovery. Yet it was a dreadful blow, particularly for me. I had honored my father, but my mother I had loved.
Poverty and hard reality now compelled me to take a quick decision. What little my father had left had been largely exhausted by my mother's grave illness; the orphan's pension to which I was entitled was not enough for me even to live on, and so I was faced with the problem of somehow making my own living.
In my hand a suitcase full of clothes and underwear; in my heart an indomitable will, I journeyed to Vienna. I, too, hoped to wrest from Fate what my father had accomplished fifty years before; I, too, wanted to become 'something'-but on no account a civil servant.

*Saya akan menterjemahkan tulisan Adolf Hitler ke bahasa Melayu/Malaysia pada masa akan datang untuk setiap bab Mein Kampf (Perjuanganku) untuk bacaan umum.

Puing Cinta | XPDC

Di alam cinta, Rindu mengejar masa
Pilu kan terasa, Menikam-nikam jiwa
Di dalam cinta, Cemburu kan bertakhta
Menguji-uji kita, Menguji segala

Kini aku terapung, Bagai lelayang
Bertalikan rindu, Kurun berpuluh
Janji dulu dilafaz, Masih lekat tersimpan
Di dalam rongga nafas, Untuk di telan senang

Engkau dan aku, Dibuai asyik merindu
Dan kini dipertemu, Pada janji dulu
Engkau dan aku,Singgah di taman kalbu
Nikmati keharuman, Di laman keasyikan

Engkaulah kasih, Engkau cahaya
Engkaulah sahaja, Engkau segala

Tiada antara, Tiada angkara
Tiada derhaka, Kau meruntun jiwa
Saling mempercaya, Bunuh sangsi prasangka
Genggam kasih kita, Hingga ke garisnya

Cinta dan rindu, Jika dipupus ia
Kita hilang syahdu, Bermurung merana
Cinta punya sakti, Terapi untuk diri
Doa jadi teman, Akan tenang nafasan

Nyawa kuasa pemimpin adalah dari Rakyat

Nyawa kuasa pemimpin adalah dari Rakyat

Seandainya rakyat mengetahui akan kuasanya yang sebenar; rakyat bisa mencabut 'nyawa kuasa mana-mana pemimpin'. Kerana pemimpin itu juga adalah manusia, yang makan dan minum seperti kita. Rakyat yang memberikan pemimpin-pemimpin itu harta. Rakyat adalah Tuan kepada Pemimpin, dan Pemimpin adalah Pembawa Haluan negara. Pemimpin dan anak-anak pemimpin adalah dua versi yang berbeza walau tempiasnya dirasa. Anak-anak pemimpin ibarat penonjolan didikan halal dan haram perlakuan pemimpin. Andai rakyat mengetahui kebesarannya maka besarlah manfaat yang diperolehinya. Itulah Sakti Rakyat. Tuhan, Rakyat, Pemimpin....

Monday, October 11, 2010

Ajaran Melayu yang diajar oleh mereka yang berkuasa.

Ajaran Melayu yang diajar oleh mereka yang berkuasa.

Ajaran Melayu merujuk kepada tingkah laku yang diajar kepada kelompok besar Melayu. Dan ianya lama-kelamaan menjadi ikutan akibat pengaruh ajaran itu. Ajaran Melayu yang memberi kesan positif adalah sangat disyukuri tetapi kesan yang negatif pula adalah sesuatu yang harus diubah dengan segera melalui cucian minda.

Saya menulis isu ini berdasarkan pengamatan, pengalaman, dengan apa yang saya lihat, bincang.

Berikut adalah ajaran-ajaran kepada orang Melayu:

1. Melayu diajar untuk mengikut dan taat membuta tuli.
2. Melayu diajar supaya boleh dibeli( khasnya mereka yang berada disektor kerajaan mahupun swasta)
3. Melayu diajar untuk dengki sesama sendiri.
4. Melayu diajar untuk bergaduh sesama sendiri.
5. Melayu diajar untuk bekerja dengan orang.
6. Melayu diajar untuk toleransi sehingga menggadaikan hak istimewanya sendiri.
7. Melayu diajar untuk tidak merebut hak yang diberikan.
8. Melayu diajar untuk menjual haknya kepada bangsa lain.
9. Melayu diajar hanya kuasa politik dapat meneruskan kelangsungan kuasa Melayu.
10. Melayu jarang diajar kuasa perniagaan untuk meneruskan kelangsungan kuasa Melayu.
11. Melayu diajar perniagaan hanya berjaya bila berkongsi dengan bangsa lain.
12. Melayu diajar untuk tidak bersatu.
13. Melayu diajar sifat kenegerian yang kadangkala sangat melampau.
14. Melayu diajar berdiam & budaya ditakut-takutkan.
15. Melayu diajar sifat tamak yang tidak bertempat.

* Saya berkesempatan berbual dengan seseorang perihal isu semasa. Kata-katanya sangat menarik hati saya.

Beliau berkata:

Orang Cina (yang berniaga) sendiri tidak mahu undi parti D*P untuk PRU akan datang, kerana katanya jika kerajaan bertukar maka mereka belum tentu mendapat projek-projek kerajaan dari kerajaan itu nanti. Ini memandangkan kemungkinan ia lebih telus berbanding kerajaan hari ini.

- Disini menunjukkan terlalu jelas bahawa terdapat orang Melayu yang bekerja dibawah kerajaan boleh dibeli...

Enthiran : Kisah Robot yang rosak apabila punya perasaan...


Ahad, sekitar jam 8.00 (10/10/2010) terdetik dihati untuk pergi menonton wayang tamil bersama adik. Filem yang diterajui oleh Super Star dari India, Rajinikanth dan dibantu oleh Aishwarya Rai dalam Enthiran (The Robot). Sambutan filem ini amat luar biasa memandangkan tempat duduk dipanggung penuh khasnya dari keturunan india. Tayangan bermula jam 9.15 pm dan sekaligus tidak berpeluang mengikuti siaran eksklusif perkahwinan Angkasawan negara.

Disini diberikan ulasan untuk filem ini:

Rajni memainkan dua watak dalam filem ini, iaitu sebagai pencipta robot(Dr. Vaseegaran) dan juga robot (Chitti). Vaseegaran telah memulakan projek robotic Humanoid Android yang telah memakan masa selama hampir 10 tahun. Bermula dengan menstabilkan langkah robotic sehingga kepada memasukkan data-data dan seterusnya kepada kulit plastik yang menyerupai Dr Vaseegaran.

Pun begitu ciptaan Dr Vasi(Vaseegaran) dicemburui oleh Gurunya yang juga mencipta robot tetapi menemui jalan buntu. Guru beliau telah sedaya upaya untuk menjatuhkan Dr Vasi dengan tidak mempersetujui ciptaannya untuk dikomersialkan melalui kelulusan panel.Guru kepada Dr Vasi meletakkan syarat jika mahu diluluskan robotik tersebut; Dr Vasi harus mencipta 'perasaan' kepada robot tersebut.

Setelah itu Dr Vasi telah cuba sedaya upaya mencipta perasaan kepada robotnya itu dan berjaya. Perasaan yang ada pada Chitti telah memudaratkan Dr Vasi apabila robotnya itu telah jatuh cinta kepada kekasih(Sanaa) penciptanya sendiri. Dr Vasi telah hilang sabar dengan ciptaannya dan telah memusnahkan robot itu.

Bahagian robot yang dimusnahkan itu telah dibuang di tempat pembuangan sampah. Kesempatan itu telah diambil oleh Guru Dr Vasi untuk mendapatkan robot itu dan mencuri maklumat-maklumat penting dari robot itu. Setelah itu robot (chitti) telah dibaikpulih dan dimasukkan Cip tambahan yang menyebabkan Chitti bertindak lebih agresif.

Chitti telah pergi ke majlis perkahwinan Dr Vasi dan Sanaa dan menghalang perkahwinan mereka.Seterusnya Chitti telah menculik Sanaa dan mula mencipta tenteranya sendiri. Pun begitu hasrat Chitti untuk merekrut tentera robotiknya sendiri dihalang oleh guru kepada Dr Vasi, tetapi akhirnya guru kepada Dr Vasi telah dibunuh.

Keadaan pada masa itu telah menjadi huru-hara dan pihak berkuasa telah cuba menghalangnya tetapi masih gagal. Dr Vasi telah mendapat satu idea dengan memisahkan Chitti dari tentera robotiknya dengan tarikan magnet dan seterusnya mengeluarkan Cip merah dari badannya. Kemudian Dr Vasi telah disabitkan kesalahan kerana ciptaanya telah menyebabkan banyak kemusnahan.

Chitti telah tampil dan beliau sendiri telah memberikan fakta-fakta yang tepat dan menyebabkan Dr Vasi terlepas dari hukuman. Chitti akhirnya menamatkan riwayatnya dengan memisahkan anggota badannya.

* Grafik dalam cerita ini sangat mengecewakan.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Janji Pembangunan Menerusi Politik : Semakin Kurang Menawan Hati Rakyat

Janji Pembangunan Menerusi Politik : Semakin Kurang Menawan Hati Rakyat

Friday, October 8, 2010

Kapal R.A.H.M.A.N : Cabaran & Mengembalikan Keyakinan

Kapal R.A.H.M.A.N: Cabaran & Mengembalikan Keyakinan

Peribahasa Bugis menyebut:

Malai bukurupa ricau’e, mappalimbang ri maje’ ripanganroe’.

Yang membawa maksud
Dikalahkan/tewas kerana keadaan memaksa memang memalukan. Sedangkan takluk sama halnya menyerahkan seluruh harga diri, & orang yang tidak memiliki harga diri sama halnya mati.

(akan disambung)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Alunan Kesyahduan dari Mohram | Rimba

Mendidik Dengan Duit Sebagai Denda | Bukan Metode Dakwah Yang Sebenar

Mendidik Dengan Duit Sebagai Denda | Bukan Metode Dakwah Yang Sebenar

Salam sejahtera,

Saya menerima aduan ketidakpuasan hati dengan tindakan yang dikenakan oleh sebuah IPTA tempatan. Dan saya sebenarnya tidak berniat mencampuri urusan IPTA tersebut, tetapi hanyalah memberikan beberapa pandangan yang wajar diambil peka oleh pihak tertentu mengenai pembudayaan keterlaluan yang diamalkan dan harus bermuhasabah kembali.

Isu-isu yang saya fikir remeh seperti jeans lusuh, pakaian tidak sopan, & berambut panjang sebenarnya tidak perlu diambil tindakan keras apatah lagi apabila ianya melibatkan duit sebagai denda. Apa yang menghairankan saya adalah mahasiswa adalah pelajar yang kerjanya hanyalah untuk belajar dan mengikuti bidang-bidang tambahan sebagai mengisi kelapangan. Dan ini menunjukkan secara konfirmasi/mutlak bahawa pelajar itu bukan seorang pekerja (samada dalam sektor swasta mahupun kerajaan) yang bergaji.

Apabila tidak bergaji apakah wajar seseorang pelajar dikenakan tindakan yang melibatkan duit? Saya fikir sistem sebegini harus disemak semula/dikemaskini dan tidak boleh dijadikan budaya yang kekal kerana pengekalan begini akan memundurkan intelektualiti universiti itu sendiri sebagai universiti yang berilmiah dan sewajarnya mampu mengeluarkan suatu pendekatan yang lebih baik dan berilmu.

Jika kita mahu melaungkan kumpulan kita pergi mencapai 'Universiti Bertaraf Dunia' sebagai contoh, saya fikir tindakan denda berunsur duit bukan suatu perkara yang relevan/penyelesaian atau mungkin ini menunjukkan sesebuah universiti itu menggunakan alasan kesalahan sebagai mengaut suatu bentuk saluran keuntungan tambahan. Cara mendisiplinkan pelajar dengan duit belum menjanjikan suatu perubahan drastik tetapi ia akan menghasilkan perasaan memberontak & kekecewaan. Dan faktor ini semestinya memberi impak kepada kualiti pelajar itu sendiri untuk mencapai keputusan yang membanggakan untuk diri,keluarga,ipta, dan juga negara.

Sebagai salah sebuah IPTA adalah sesuatu yang janggal apabila tiada jalan inisiatif untuk perkara sebegini atau kemungkinan cara fikir/resam lama banyak mempengaruhi pihak-pihak yang punya kuasa untuk menghadapi perkara tersebut, dan mangsanya adalah pelajar-pelajar yang terpaksa menerimanya. Pelajar-pelajar lazimnya dikatakan sebagai tidak matang didalam sesuatu isu, tetapi adakah sesuatu yang matang apabila mengenakan tindakan denda melibatkan duit sebagai tanda aras kematangan sesebuah institusi pendidikan?

Saya berpandangan seandainya dikatakan pelajar itu tidak matang, maka sewajarnya pihak berkuasa di IPTA tersebut mewujudkan tindakan yang lebih bersesuaian dan kena pada era masa kini. Antara langkah tindakan wajar & sepatutnya adalah:

1. Mana-mana pelajar yang melakukan kesalahan tidak perlu dikenakan denda melibatkan duit tetapi ianya perlu diberi denda menerusi sesi khidmat kaunseling yang wajib dihadiri bagi membentuk seseorang pelajar supaya matang dan mengasah cara berfikir.

2. Bagi mana-mana pelajar yang masih melakukan kesalahan berulang, pihak atasan perlu mewujudkan satu mekanisme baru dalam pembentukan sahsiah pelajar itu sendiri dengan mewujudkan khidmat komuniti. Dan ini secara langsung mendidik pelajar itu dengan lebih berdisiplin.

Saya merasakan tidak perlu membuat perbandingan antara IPTA negara dengan IPT luar negara kerana ianya mungkin akan menimbulkan lebih banyak timbang tara yang lebih berat sebelah dan lebih memihak kepada IPT luar negara. Contoh mudah di Universiti luarnegara, berambut panjang bukan kesalahan asalkan kemas, dan mereka boleh berpolitik melalui persatuan yang diwujudkan oleh parti politik tempatan negara. Jadi jelas kita dapat lihat ketidakseimbangan perlaksanaan yang diamalkan walaupun sering diwarwarkan kita mempunyai kualiti tersendiri yang boleh dibanggakan.

Kesimpulannya perkara sebegini wajar didiskusikan dan dilakukan suatu pembaharuan dengan segera bagi meningkatkan kualiti IPTA itu sendiri dengan tidak mendidik/mengajar anak bangsa dengan denda melibatkan duit kerana ia bukan menepati saluran dakwah.Ianya harus diubah sebelum ia diubah.

Syamsul Johari.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Top 5 Tips to Build Wealth & Success

Warren Buffett is worth $45 billion. That wealth isn't only a factor of savvy investing and good business — the "Oracle of Omaha" is also known as a penny pincher. Buffett still lives in the same Omaha, Neb., home he bought in 1958 for $31,500.

Follow his frugal formula, and you too may wind up with a lot more money than you ever dreamed.

This week Financially Fit covers five tips to build wealth and success.

1. Live Below Your Means.
Being wealthy isn't just a product of your salary or investment prowess; it's learning how to save.

"We can make a lot of money, you can make a little bit of money, but the second you spend all the money is when people get into trouble. Saving is the key to preserving your wealth," says Ed Butowsky, managing partner of Chapwood Capital Investment Management, a firm that manages money for wealthy individuals.

As many Americans realized during the booming real estate market, just because you think you can afford something doesn't mean you should buy it. Keeping an eye on your bottom line will pay dividends over the long term.

2. Bounce Back From Defeat
With nearly 15 million workers unemployed right now in the U.S., it's easy to get discouraged. Don't! Most successful and wealthy people have overcome obstacles and failure along the way. Steve Jobs was ousted from Apple when he was 30. Today, he's a billionaire and a legend. Plus, after getting fired, he created another billion-dollar media company, Pixar.

"Bouncing back from defeat is something all great achievers have. They have this undying belief good things will happen and will continue to happen," says Butowsky.

Take Michael Jordan. "His airness" was cut from his high school basketball team. Motivated by the rejection, Jordan became a star the next season. The rest is history.

3. Self-Promote
Regardless of the profession, the rich and successful tend to have a strong sense of self-worth — key to skillfully navigating an upward career path. Mark Hurd, who was ousted as CEO of Hewlett-Packard in August, couldn't be kept down for long. Using his business skills and connections, in September, Hurd was named president of Oracle. (Hurd and Oracle founder Larry Ellison are known to be close friends.)

4. Have Street Smarts
Bernie Madoff lived the high life for decades, scamming unsuspecting clients, with a money-making formula that proved too good to be true. Only afterward did we learn that with a little due diligence, most clients could have easily uncovered the fraud.

But it's not only the swindlers and the con men you have to watch out for. Many times, friends and family take advantage of the rich. Whether it's a handout or an investment idea, Butowsky advises his high net worth clients that in most cases, it's wisest to just say "no." The best way to do that: have someone else do it for you.

"You need to really set up a wall between you and your family," he advises. "If you don't want to give them (family or friends) money ... saying no is probably a good idea."

5. Buy Cheap
The rich can afford to splurge, but that doesn't mean they do.

John Paulson, a billionaire hedge fund manager, bought his Hamptons "dream house at a bargain basement price," according to Greg Zuckerman, author of the Paulson-based book, "The Greatest Trade Ever." The story has it that Paulson eyed the home while it was in foreclosure. Finally, on a rain-soaked day, he purchased the home on the Southampton town hall steps. He was the only bidder.

On New York City's Upper East Side, Michael's— The Consignment Shop for Women— has been a bargain-hunting destination for more than 60 years. "We have a good percentage of women who can afford to shop on Madison Avenue but really like the idea of saving that money," says proprietor Tammy Gates.

From Chanel to Gucci and Louis Vuitton, the store specializes in high-end designer merchandise for a reasonable price. Speaking of her clientele, Gates says, "they're wealthy for a reason. They recognize that bargains keep people wealthy. Paying top dollar when you don't have to doesn't make sense."
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